Jan 28, 2021"Oblivion" "Oblivion" by Astor Piazzolla. With Beatrice de Tanquelray on piano. January 28, 2021, Vancouver, BC.
Jan 16, 2021"Ausencias" Excerpt from "Ausencias" by Astor Piazzolla. With Beatrice de Tanquelray on piano. January 16, 2021, Vancouver, BC.
Nov 17, 2020Violin and Piano RehearsalWith Beatrice de Tranqualye on piano, November 17, 2020, Vancouver, BC.
Oct 8, 2020Bach in ChurchOctober 8, 2020, Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Vancouver, BC. “ I was so excited about my first indoor gig in a while (in a church) that I...
Jul 25, 2020Duet with Myself"La Valse d'Amelie" from the movie "Le Fabuleux Destin D'Amelie Poulain." July 25, 2020, Vancouver, BC. “ I love collaborating with other...
Mar 31, 2020"Violin Sonata"Excerpt from "Violin Sonata" by Johann Strauss. With Darryl Friesen on piano. March 31, 2020, Vancouver, BC.